21. December 2020
A company regulation as a supplement to the staff regulations and the employment contract offers a good opportunity to enforce provisions for all employees in the company.
The company rules regulate the conduct of the employee, health protection and accident prevention at the workplace. Company rules are compulsory for industrial companies and voluntary for non-industrial companies.
The following topics can be regulated in company regulations: Health protection and accident prevention
- Measures against bullying, discrimination and sexual harassment
- Prohibition of smoking and alcohol
- Admission to company buildings and use of infrastructure, etc.
Sanctions against violations can, but do not have to be formulated. Workplace rules may either be agreed in writing between the employer and a representative elected by the employees or unilaterally issued by the employer after consultation with the employees.
The company regulations must be sent to the cantonal labour inspectorate for examination and must be posted prominently in the company or handed out to each employee. The company regulations only make sense if December 2020 structures are desired and possible dangers must be avoided. Overly detailed rules prevent flexibility.
Die Betriebsordnung muss dem kantonalen Arbeitsinspektorat zur Prüfung zugestellt werden und gut sichtbar im Unternehmen aufgehängt oder jedem Mitarbeitenden ausgehändigt werden. Die Betriebsordnung macht nur Sinn, wenn Dezember 2020 Strukturen erwünscht sind und mögliche Gefahren vermieden werden müssen. Allzu detaillierte Regeln verhindern Flexibilität