25. October 2019
Courageous Coping with Disruption
Sustainability is the new Currency
What can help us to be better equipped to deal with the disruptions, which are inevitably coming our way? We can focus on the fitness or our self-leadership competence. Your capability in courageously coping with disruptions and change enhances your success & wellbeing and has a positive snowball effect on the people around you.
Based on experience from coaching successful high perfoming senior leaders, the following 3 key enablers can have a major impact in moving forward with new energy and confidence. They are easy to understand and hard to do. Coaching can help you train these muscles.
Key Enabler 1:
MINDSET – engage in the world with a discovery mindset
- Find pleasure in exploring with an open state of mind – learn continuously, by listening and building on inputs from your surroundings, before drawing conclusions too quickly.
- Stretch your comfort zone and be open to experiment with new approaches.
- See the forest for the trees and stay aware of the bigger whole and larger context without getting cought in details.
Key Enabler 2:
FOCUS – focus on your purpose & values and build on your strengths With this you mobilize your inner strength, which you need when it is getting rough to have backbone and to maintain clarity of direction in the turbulence.
- Stay on track toward your goals and be agile in dealing with disturbances without getting distracted. To achieve the long-term we have to survive the short-term.
- Achieve more with less effort by re-allocating your resources with your priorities.
- Act by choice – being agile is about being alert and flexible with purposeful timing, agility without purpose is hyperactivity
Key Enabler 3:
CO-CREATE – reach out to others for winning sparring partner relationships
- Connect with the people around you as a resource to reliably achieve your goals and to overcome barriers and blindspots. Get to the heart of the matters and get there with more ease and fun and more sustainably. Know that you are not alone in the game.
Become your own disruptor – keep reinventing and renewing yourself. The cost of building your agility muscle is much lower than the risk of maintaining the status quo with the possibility of becoming obsolete or expired.
This is about making a meaningful contribution to a sustainable world through self-care and by inspriing others through your successful self-leadership, when facing great and small opportunities that disruptions bring.
I am convinced that a discovery mindset, focus and co-creation will help you whatever change will come your way.
Key Messages on Coping with Disruptions:
- Accept disruptions as the new normal
- Determine your own pace with speeding up and slowing down your (re) actions
- Create space and time to see the presenting opportunities in the changes
- Connect with sparring partners to more clearly see and better leverage your strengths
- Stay tuned in with your vision and dreams to stay on track and to make the journey meaningful & enjoyable
Marie-Louise Zollinger, MBA MCC, Executive Coach and Organizational Change Facilitator is working with a wide spectrum of leaders locally and globally, CEOs, Senior Leaders, Entrepreneurs, Professionals, incl. Lawyers, Medical Doctors, etc.