Overview News

21. December 2020

With the adoption of the bill, all working fathers will gain the right to to a two-week paternity leave, i.e. to ten days off work. They can take this leave within six months months after the birth of the child, all at once or or spread over individual days. Employers are employers are prohibited from to reduce holidays in return.

Compensation is paid to fathers who were gainfully employed at the time of the child's birth, either as an employee employee or self-employed. They must insured under the compulsory AHV scheme for the nine months prior to the compulsory OASI insurance during the nine months prior to the birth and at least five months employed for at least during this period. The compensation goes either directly to the the employee or to the employer, if the employer continues to pay the continues to pay the salary during the leave.

The compensation for the loss of earnings shall amount to 80% of the average income subject to AHV income subject to AHV contributions before the birth, but not more than CHF 196 per day. For a fortnight' leave, 14 daily allowances are are paid out, resulting in a maximum amount of CHF 2ꞌ744. To finance the paternity leave, the EO contribution rate from 1 January 2021 from 0.45 to 0.5 per cent. (Source: Federal Office for Social Insurance)

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