27. August 2018
The most important
day at work...
… is the first one in a new job and company. Everybody knows this but we are regularly contacted by candidates who have a bad start at their new job right on day one.
For HR, line managers and colleagues this is a day like any other. Routine. For the newcomer this is a really important event. Everything is new. For him/her this new job is coupled with expectations and curiosity, he/she might even be a little nervous and therefore is most likely more than sensitive to what is happening to him. This first phase determines whether the new employee will feel happy and can actively contribute to the employer's success - or whether he/she 'switches off' right there and then. Recruiting replacement is always costly and takes time. So, it is well worthwhile to see that this first day in your company is a full success for him/her.
The advantage of a good reception and induction are obvious. It speeds up the induction period and identification with the new company. This enables him/her to be productive and motivated to work effectively within a shorter period of time.
What we suggest:
Develop and share an induction program that explains the plans and goals within a realistic time frame
Ensure that the work place is ready, incl. passwords and all
A small 'welcome' gesture such as flowers on the desk is always welcome
Assign a 'mentor' to accompany the newcomer for a while
Inform reception and colleagues about the newcomer
Introduce the newcomer to his colleagues
Organize that they have lunch together in order to get to know each other
Don't flood him/her with all the information at once… step by step…
It is important to see success. So plan that the first things he/she has to do make this possible
And get feedback from the newcomer, maybe right at the end of this first day. This enables you to find out if things are going in the right direction before situations escalate
And – very important – welcome him/her not only as new team member but as well as a person
Of course, there is much more you could do, depending on the position, the size of your company, your processes and standards. Important is though that you are fully prepared for the new-arrival rather than reacting when he/she is standing at reception.
Remember when you had your first day in your present job?
Maybe not everything was perfect. And now you are in a position to change and improve this …
We hope that these thoughts will provide you with many happy new employees!