Overview News

14. May 2018

New member: Werner Murer

I am delighted to become a member of HR Services Zug . I would like to take this opportunity to briefly introduce myself and my company.

In 1994, together with three colleagues, I founded mpw Beratungsteam AG with the aim of bringing scientific aptitude diagnostics in line with the specific needs of our clients. Together with my partners Daniela Lanini and Patrick Vonwil and around twenty employees, mpw is active in the various areas of management diagnostics. In addition to our core competence, individual assessment, mpw stands for tailor-made team development and practice-oriented leadership training, but also for individual consulting in the areas of coaching, career and outplacement. Our flexible approach and the direct relationship to specific requirements are of great importance to us in all mandates we handle. Values such as customer orientation, professionalism, quality and reliability are the hallmarks of our way of working.

Our company name begins with M wie Mensch and ends with the word Team. Behind this name, which was chosen around 24 years ago, we stand with conviction. A high-performance team is created when, on the one hand, the right people are in the right position and, on the other hand, targeted and competent support is provided. This is what mpw wants to live internally and to communicate to the outside world with enthusiasm so that our work can continue to generate a substantial and sustainable value for our customers in the future.

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