Overview News

16. January 2017

Hiring an older person? Why/why not?

According to statistics, we have had around 130,000 unemployed or job-seekers per year in Switzerland in recent years. Unfortunately, I didn't find any details on professions, age, etc.. But we know that a considerable part of it is +50 years old. And we also know that finding a job becomes difficult for employees from the age of 45 - an issue that affects us all sooner or later. Could this be the approach to tackling the skills shortage?

As HR managers, we can observe ourselves: when selecting candidates with more than 25 years of professional experience, applicants are almost automatically placed on the B-list with the following four arguments:

1. old = not flexible, too fixed in working method
This is, as we all know, person dependent. There are workers who actually have trouble with something new at a very early stage - but there are also others who are full of energy and feel confined in fixed work processes.

2. old = current know-how missing
The question arises as to where these current skills come from: what is offered in schools or courses is often quite theory-heavy and already outdated at the time of graduation because technology has already overtaken education. On-the-job experience, on the other hand, is updated daily - the employee is in a continuous learning process.

3. old = expects a position that corresponds to the experience
Often not so: many older employees have reached their professional zenith and now simply want to pass on knowledge and experience without career pressure - and be needed!

4. old = costs for 2nd pillar (pension fund) are higher
The solution must be left to politics. If the expert brings the added value, this issue is certainly not superficial.

The solution to the shortage of skilled workers therefore lies primarily with employers and their willingness to hire older people and thus create synergies: Young people have ideas and give impulses; old people combine this with their foresight and experience. Statistical surveys show that teams mixed according to age bring the most pragmatic and successful solutions. The mentoring factor and the transfer of specialist know-how should not be underestimated.

The future is shaped by everyone - each individual is an important performer in our team!

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