Workshop (English): Risk factor employee in times of cyber crime and digitalisation

Workshop in English
May 29 2020 | 9:00 -12:00, GET | Baarerstrasse 23 | 6300 Zug
Registration Fee Fr. 400

Strategies and tricks if you want to avoid pitfalls in your company.

"Being prepared for the worst case - your individual FraudAidKitTM": how to prepare yourself to be able to act at all times, on all hierarchical levels dealing with compliance, integrity, ethics and strategy.

"Bias - Blurred perception": how perception consciously and unconsciously influences.

"Success factor No.1 - ability to act" - your strategic advantage if you do not freeze-up in the most important moment and are able to act!

"Crisis management in white-collar crime". When non-compliance, cybercrime and white-collar crime lead to a (corporate) crisis and how to deal with it.

"Social Engineering" - When and how people hack people. In the real and virtual world.

"Thinking like a fraudster" - everyone discovers their own criminal energy and uses it to complete the company's risk map.

"White-collar crime as a (constant) companion" - the life cycle of white-collar crime and its manifestations - for exposed personalities who are fully aware of their responsibility or are striving to do so.

The lecturer, Sonja Stirnimann from, is an economist, certified public accountant, Certified Fraud Examiner, holds an international Executive MBA in Financial Services & Insurance, has completed a supplementary degree in financial mathematics & statistics and is a business mediator. She teaches at various universities, technical colleges and professional associations.

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